“ | Well, I have to because there is this ocean inside of me and it is spilling over and I need somebody to talk to, and I need to talk about it! | ” |
— Cindy in 1994
Cindy Turner is the mother of Jeanette Turner. Although once the most popular girl in town, Cindy struggles to hold her family together while being in the crosshairs of town gossip.[1]
Early History[]
Cindy was born and raised in Skylin, Texas. She attended Skylin High School where she was one of the most popular girls in school. She wore the highest fashion and was chased after by boys who begged her parents to let them date her. She was even sought after by a young man, who would later marry Joy and be the father of their daughter. Cindy was elected Homecoming Queen and was close friends with fellow student Joyce, who was rather awkward and followed Cindy around. After graduation, Cindy went on to marry Greg Turner and have two children with him, eldest Derek and their daughter Jeanette. A few years later when football star Rod Wallis arrived in Skylin, Cindy had a crush on the star but was already married to Greg so nothing came of the feelings. According to Cindy, Rod chased her for a while before he eventually married a recently widowed Joyce.
Cindy Turner greeted her daughter on the morning of her fifteenth birthday on June 21st, 1993. She held a plate of pancakes with a candle in it, which Jeanette blew out. Cindy, her husband, and son clapped for Jeanette happily. They confirm that they are holding the annual birthday dinner that night, which Derek regrettably has to miss as he has plans to attend a concert. Greg and Cindy quickly told him that he will be attending, with Cindy offering for Derek to skip dessert which should get him there in plenty of time.
That night after dinner, Cindy and Greg sit down with cake. Cindy asks Jeanette about her new necklace and learns it was a gift from her friends Mallory Higgins and Vince Fuller. Cindy notes that it looks cheap. Greg gives Jeanette her birthday present while Cindy explains they found an old roll of film that they had developed and framed. Jeanette looks at the photo of her as a baby alongside her father, Greg. Cindy comments that they were inseparable from the time she was born, and the couple holds hands.[2]
Cindy and Jeanette attend a step workout class on June 26th. Cindy eagerly waves to Kate Wallis who returns the gesture. After class, Cindy stops Joy and compliments her highlights but Joy gets her hair done at a salon. Kate compliments Jeanette’s necklace, with Jeanette excitedly mentioning she got it for her birthday and references the day they saw each other at the mall. Kate remembers the day. Cindy recommends that they all have a girl’s day for a splurge at the salon, with Joy trying to turn it down though Kate thinks it sounds fun. Joy claims she'll call Cindy and the women go their separate ways to their cars.[3]
On July 4th, Cindy brought Jeanette a glass of orange juice and admired her daughters face without glasses. She brought up trying contact lenses again, but Jeanette refused the idea as she hated touching her eyes. They watched Molly Green report on the annual Skylin firework festival that evening and how the town had rallied together to set it up. Someone set off a firework behind her which startled both Molly and Jeanette. Jeanette cursed over the startle which Cindy scolded her over.
That afternoon, Jeanette confided in Cindy about flushing Molly Higgins's weed, to which Cindy assured her that it was normal to outgrow friends. Jeanette wasn't sure people wanted to be her friend. Cindy reminded her that Kate Wallis admired her the other day at step clas, and they could be friends like she and Joy were. Cindy recounted that she was homecoming Queen with a long line of people who wanted to date her, including Kate’s father. Even Rod Wallis was interested in her though she was married at the time. Joy, however, was awkward in high school and followed her around "like a puppy". Jeanette didn't think she was pretty enough for that, but Cindy told her the good genes were in her too, the braces would be off soon, and she would be dynamite. She recommended giving Mallory a peace offering. Cindy then told her about the fireworks, but Jeanette wasn't up to going out.[4]
On July 29th, Jeanette prepared for her first date with a boy named Gideon. Greg tried to talk with Gideon about football but the boy wasn't knowledgeable. Vince and Mallory urged Jeanette out of her room. Cindy happily greeted Gideon with a soda and tried to talk with him. However, the kids left rather awkwardly. Once they were gone, Cindy told Greg to let Jeanette blossom and to be happy for their daughter.[5]
On August 15th, Cindy and Greg celebrated their wedding anniversary with the help of their kids. Derek and Jeanette set up a nice breakfast spread for their parents. The parents emerged with messy hair and big anniversary smiles, per Derek's prediction. Everyone sat around the table and toasted to a lifetime of more happy anniversaries.[6]
On August 30th, Cindy helped Jeanette prepare for her first day of school. She made breakfast as Jeanette pondered if people at school would notice she got her braces off. Cindy was sure they would and called Derek for breakfast, though he was still asleep from the night before. Cindy than drove Jeanette to school in her mini-van and dropped her off.[7]
The following year for Jeanette's birthday, her parents didn't wake her up as that honor went to Jeanette's new boyfriend, Jamie Henson. Jeanette spent the day with her boyfriend and new best friends. When she returned home the next day with a black eye, Jeanette lied that it was a volleyball accident. Cindy put ice on Jeanette’s face and worried her daughter would need plastic surgery, which Greg gaffed at. The news came on so Jeanette told her parents to turn it up. It says that Kate Wallis was found after being abducted, with the alleged kidnapper, Martin Harris, having been killed in a shootout. Greg, Derek, and Cindy were surprised as they watched Kate be loaded into a police car. Cindy remarked she was glad it wasn’t Jeanette.[2]
On June 26th, Skylin was abuzz with Kate's rescue and even more so with the rumor Kate had began to spread. She told people that Jeanette Turner had known where she was being held kidnapped and didn't say anything. The rumor cost Derek his job at the annual Garden Club Party, which Cindy and Greg never attended.[3]
As the town dealt with the fallout of Kate's accusations, they prepared for the annual Fourth of July party. Cindy watched Molly Green report on the fourth of July festivities and an update on Kate Wallis's case. The police had confirmed that Kate Wallis has been interviewed and a statement from the family claimed that Kate planned to share her story publicly. Derek passed his mother in the hall and asked if she’s okay, to which Cindy admitted she's worried about Kate sharing her story since more people will know about Kate’s claims against Jeanette. Derek told her that people already know as he’s been uninvited to two parties and Hank Stevenson changed his mind about Greg listing his house. Cindy cut him off as this was crazy since the rumors are baseless, and she knew Jeanette would never do anything like what Kate claimed. Derek agreed and left. From the couch, Jeanette overheard the entire conversation.[4]
On July 29th, Cindy drank wine and watched a reality show about Bill and Hillary. Greg walked in as he thought she brought home a movie for tonight. She drunkenly stated that she didn't like it there anymore. Someone spit on her car in the parking lot while she was in it. They also said mean things to her about Jeanette. Greg wondered when she started drinking before five and she pointed out that someone had spit on her car. She asked him what happened when someone died on a commercial air flight. She stated that they move the body to first class. She couldn't believe that someone has to sit next to a corpse. He offered to rent the movie and left.[5]
On August 15th, Cindy and Greg celebrated their wedding anniversary drastically different than the previous year. The pair got into a heated argument in the morning and then joined their kids at a table they had set. Jeanette attempted to make small talk but it didn't go very well. The door bell rang so Cindy left to answer it. She returned with a lovely gift basket that she assumed was for her from Greg. When she read the card she learned it was a thank you basket from Angela Prescott, as Greg helped her pick out an apartment.
Nonetheless, Cindy enjoyed the gift basket throughout the day. She answered a prank call from someone in search of kidnapping tips from Jeanette. Cindy angrily told them that their prank calls harassed an innocent family. The woman called them the Twisted Turners and hung up. The phone rang again but this time, Cindy didn't answer. She went to Jeanette’s closet and searched through it to find something. She made sure everything was in order before she started to leave. She then found a photograph on the dresser that she gave Jeanette for her fifteenth birthday and a jewelry box under it. She sorted through the box but didn't find anything. She lifted the center console out, which was also empty. When she flipped the box over she found a fake bottom with a key taped to it.
That afternoon, Jeanette walked through the house as she listened to music. Cindy told her to take the headset off and sit on the couch. Cindy assured her daughter that she could tell her anything. She then told Jeanette that whatever her answer to a question was they would face it together. She asked if Jeanette has ever been inside Martin Harris’s house, though Jeanette was offended by the question as there were just stupid rumors. She wanted Cindy to ignore them but Cindy knew they wouldn't go away. If there was any truth to the rumors she needed to know. Jeanette doubled down on her lie and told Cindy to change their phone number.
Greg arrived home from work early at Cindy’s request and she urgently told him that Jeanette was lying. She showed him the key she found hidden in the jewelry box, which she thought was the key to Martin Harris’s house. He thought it was crazy but she pressed this was her motherly instinct. She was adamant that Jeanette was lying and involved in what happened to Kate Wallis. She wanted to see if the key fit in the house, but he wondered what people would think if they saw them in broad daylight at the house. She wanted to go when it’s dark outside, but he pressed that they raised a good kid. Cindy noted that Jeanette changed before their eyes. Greg promised that he didn't think there was a problem and left.
The following afternoon, Derek wanted to raid the cabinet for dorm snacks which Cindy agreed too. He noticed her absent-mindedness so she asked about the tea party he had in the rain with Jeanette when they were kids. She asked if it was his idea or Jeanette’s, since Greg told her it was his. Derek couldn't remember, though Cindy believed Jeanette was lying, though Greg wouldn't believe it. She felt like an ocean was inside her ready to spill over if she didn't reveal these things. Derek told her to call Aunt Susan since she was good at this stuff while he wasn't. He left to finish packing, but she stopped him. She told him she was proud of him and to always pursue his dreams.
Greg came home to find Cindy. He told her that two more houses were out of escrow. She brought up her former desire to be a flight attendant which confused him. She told him about her dreams of flying the skies as a career. He chuckled as he thought was was going to tell him something important, but she was serious about this. She talked about her desire to have her dream. He thought it was unrealistic to travel while they raised kids. She might not have been loud enough about the desire but she had been loud about Jeanette. She did push their daughter to blossom but never showed her how. She thought this was why Jeanette made so many mistakes. She told Greg to try the key for himself. She couldn't believe he needed proof to take her seriously. She realized he didn't take her seriously and never had. She planned to leave to stay with her sister for a while as she needed time to think. She would come back to speak with Jeanette. He was astounded that she would leave on their anniversary. She told him to finally face what is happening with Jeanette as he would be exactly where she was when he did. She noted that it was excruciating and lonely without him.
Earlier that day, Cindy took the key to Martin’s house. She puts the key in the lock and learned that it fit in the keyhole. She could open the door.[6]
By August 30th, Cindy still had returned home so Greg called her to let her know what Jeanette told him about the key; she and her friends only used it once last Summer to play hide and seek. He admitted he was wrong and wanted her to come home. He angrily hung up when she refused.[7]
On August 15th, Cindy returned to Skylin for the first time in a year. She sits at the bar where Angela is tending and asks for a Cosmo. Cindy states it’s her wedding anniversary so Angela wishes her a happy anniversary. Cindy notes they aren’t together anymore which Angela would know. Angela isn’t interested in a catfight which Cindy assures her that’s not the case. She was driving to her old house but she kept going straight as she couldn’t go backward. Derek told her that Angela worked the bar and she’s dying to know how Jeanette is. Derek talks to her but Jeanette doesn’t as she blames Cindy for the separation. She wants to know anything about her daughter. Angela admits that Jeanette misses her. Cindy invites Angela for a drink.
Cindy tells Angela about her mom’s sacrifices to the point of disappearing which Angel relates to. Cindy wanted to break the cycle but she wanted to leave a different blueprint for her daughter, she had to. Angela applauds her for starting a new career after having kids. Angela now owns the bar. Cindy can see why Greg likes Angela. Angels remarks that she likes her too and they toast to being able to sit and talk. Angela remarks that she didn’t steal Greg since Cindy left him. Cindy muses over the fact Greg told Angela that version.[6]
On August 30th, she met with Jeanette at a café in Skylin. Jeanette opened a gift from her mother, a necklace that she picked up in Paris. Jeanette was still angry that she was left behind when Cindy went to Paris. Cindy wanted them to travel together sometime, but Jeanette had plans to enroll for her GED. Cindy wondered why she dropped out of school, to which Jeanette snapped back that she missed a lot while she was gone. She was mad when Cindy forced visitation and when she packed a bag to see Aunt Susan yet never came back. Cindy asked if her daughter hated her, but Jeanette doesn't. Cindy told her to think about the lawsuit as she might regret it later; suing a kidnap victim wasn't a great thing. Jeanette was shocked that Cindy was on the Wallis's side, but Cindy pressed that it was a lose-lose situation. Jeanette cut her off when she began to talk poorly about Greg's parenting. Jeanette pointed out that while Greg might not be perfect, at least he stayed. She stormed out of the café while Cindy stayed at the table.[7]
Physical Appearance[]
Cindy is a tall woman with a slender frame, auburn hair, and hazel green eyes. She wears sophisticated clothing and nice jewelry that attempts to reflect a higher financial and social status than the one she has.
Notes and Trivia[]
Cruel Summer Season 1 |
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- ↑ Petski, Denise (October 30, 2020). Cruel Summer: Sarah Drew To Recur On Jessica Biel-Produced Freeform Series. deadline.com. Retrieved on November 15, 2020.
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 1.01 Happy Birthday, Jeanette Turner
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 1.02 A Smashing Good Time
- ↑ 4.0 4.1 1.03 Off With A Bang
- ↑ 5.0 5.1 1.05 As The Carny Gods Intended
- ↑ 6.0 6.1 6.2 1.06 An Ocean Inside Me
- ↑ 7.0 7.1 7.2 1.08 Proof